V2.0.2 - Black Relay Board - Water Level Monitors

Hello again!

I am also having trouble with V2.0.2 on the black relay board calibrating the water level monitors. I have the Votronic capacitive water level sensors.

  • Attempting to calibrate using Method 2 doesn’t work. The set full and empty buttons don’t do anything when pressed.
  • The provide readings every minute button does work for the black relay board.
  • Method 3 button for set Max Votronic to 2.4V works but nothing happens when adjusted the screw ontop of the sensor. I assume for Method 3 you need to adjust the screw until the reading shows full when the water tank is full?

Thanks for the help :slight_smile:

The problem here is, that we need to get the script for the shunt running first. The waterlevels are read via this script as well, so if that doesn’t run, Method 2 won’t do anything on the black Relayboard since it is requesting data from the script.
For Method 3, you need to make sure the sensor gives a maximum voltage of 2.4V on a full tank. After that, it is again referring to the same script as the wired shunt

hi @Vincent, The issue with the shunt was the fried/broken adc. This was resolved by using the wifi shunt. However, I am still having issues with the water level monitors. Method 2 doesn’t work at all. Method 3 works for setting the full values but i am unable to set the empty values of the tank. Any insights on what the issue could be?

please look for adc values in the debug section.

There you can see if the raw values are correct. You must then also find these in the global variables (levelx_empty/full).
(The update time here is approx. 20s, so be patient when retrieving the values). .

@Karl The adc values in debug are displayed properly vesus measuring the voltage with a multimeter. When I attempt to calibrate using set full or set empty, nothing happens. I tied redownloading V2.0.3 but still the same problem. Perhaps it has something to do with the fried/broken adc for the wired shunt?
Here’s some screen shots of the node red flows.

@Karl or @Vincent sorry to bug you, I know you’re busy with black friday.

Any suggestions here? I am stuck

@Karl @Vincent

I managed to get the “set full” and “set empty” buttons to work. The problem was with the web2.py script where it wasn’t running since the adc for the shunt was throwing an error (I fried this adc). I modified the script to execute when the adc (0x4a) can’t be initialized. Now everything works well.

Here’s my modified script:
web2 (1).txt (5.2 KB)

Hey Adam,
sorry for not getting back at you. Glad you found a solution yourself.
It totally makes sense that the script will just error out once the shunt adc is gone, we should probably get some more logging error prints into that script.

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